Acid Alkaline Diet

Friday, February 29, 2008

Can an Alkaline Diet Help Prevent Osteoporosis?


It can be quite scary to get the news. "I am sorry to tell you ma'am. You have osteoporosis". No one wants to be sitting in that chair hearing that news. All over North American, thousands of women and even men are hearing it though. The thought of not being able to enjoy life any more because of the risk of having a un-healable bone break is scary to say the least.

New evidence has shown that this news is preventable, and not by what you are seeing in all those TV commercials centered on calcium supplements. In her new book, "Better Bones, Better Body: Beyond Estrogen and Calcium", Dr. Susan Brown, leading researcher on osteoporosis is presenting some starting facts about this most unnatural condition of old age.

First of all, this condition seems to affect the women and men of North America more than other countries. In fact, in Asia, it is quite rare for women to get osteoporosis. Some other startling facts include:

1) It is NOT normal for ones bones to get more brittle as we age. The bone metabolism is setup to keep our bones strong for our entire lives.

2) It is NOT just a female condition. Men also are showing signs of this condition

3) It is NOT just a condition of the elderly. More and more, younger patients are being diagnosed with this condition

4) It is NOT caused by low calcium intake

5) It is NOT only caused by the effect of lowered estrogen production

What Dr. Brown goes on to show in her book is the total effect of ones lifestyle on your bone strength. Your diet, your stress levels and your physical activity all go hand in hand to determine your bone strength. The typical SAD diet (Standard American Diet) is partly to blame for this condition. In addition, a lack of physical activity as we older only makes things worse.

So, want are people to do to avoid becoming another osteoporosis statistic? First, learn about the acid alkaline balance in your body. The foods we eat, external stress in our lives, physical stress, all add to the acidity of our body. Most importantly, the acidic level of our blood is of primary concern. If the blood becomes too acidic, the chemical processes that occur inside our cells stop. Taking this to the extreme, the body will die. So, to prevent this, the body has a mechanism of controlling the acid level. It does this with acid buffering minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chromium, selenium, and iron.

These best source of these minerals in our body is our bones. As the body works to overcome an over-acidic condition, it will do so at the sake of our bones, leading to poor bone density. To prevent this from happening, and to even reverse it, you should consider adopting an alkaline diet. Most green plants and sprouts are very alkaline. Foods that are high in sugars, proteins, refined foods, alcohols, and starches are acid forming. Dr. Brown calls these antinutrients. In the book, we are told to avoid excessive protein, reduce our caffeine consumption, eliminate sugars and excessive fats, reduce our salt intake and avoid alcohol and tobacco products. Next, replace all of these antinutrients with alkaline foods. This may be challenging for some people and the promise is that once your body is in balance, you could never consider going back to your old eating habits. The pleasure of being in acid-alklaine balance will overcome any cravings you may 'think' you will have.

Lastly, Dr Brown recommends we all take part in a regular exercise program. She gives guidelines to develop your own personal workout program. Of course, this is nothing new to us. We have long known the benefits of regular exercise. When combined with an alkaline diet however, a daily physical fitness program, including strength training can go a long way to helping prevent osteoporosis.

This treatise has been an introduction into the things you can do to stop this condition before it starts. It is not a replacement for sound medical advice. To obtain recommendations appropriate for your current situation, always seek the council of a qualified health care provider.

A raw food diet rich in antioxidants is a great way back to get healthy. At Cleansing Raw Food Diet, you will find many articles about alkaline diets and antioxidants to help improve your health

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Beginning an Alkaline Diet: The Basic Principles - Start Alkalizing Today!


Each and every person living in the UK is facing a myriad of health and lifestyle challenges every day.

We are constantly being fed new information about what is healthy and what is unhealthy while thousands of us try to deal with problems ranging from obesity to fatigue to life threatening diseases.

The alkalarian approach to diet offers a simple, basic understanding of what causes the body to become ‘out of balance’. Through what has become the typical Western diet largely based around meat, dairy, sugars, alcohol, saturated fats and caffeine, millions of us have created a hostile, acidic environment within our bodies.

The pH level of our internal fluids affects every living cell in our bodies and the effect that over-acidification can have upon the health of our bodies is immense, with a chronically over acidic pH creating an extremely negative environment which affects all cellular functions from the beatings of the heart to the neural workings of the brain.

When our pH level is unbalanced, almost any area of our bodies can be negatively affected creating results such as cancer, heart disease, obesity, weight problems, allergies, fatigue and premature aging as well as problems with our nervous system, cardiovascular system and muscles.

Where to Start

To begin to alkalise it is important to start consuming alkalising foods and drinks while eliminating acidifying foods and drinks from your diet. As a rough guide you should try to include some of the following:

Foods that Alkalize:

  • Vegetables: Spinach, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, celery, cucumber, lettuce, courgette, cabbage, greens, swede, squash (summer, butternut, yellow etc), peppers, chili, tomato, onion, garlic, chickpeas, pinto beans, kidney beans, spring onion, root ginger


  • Salads: Lettuce, spinach, celery, cucumber, nuts (aside from peanuts and cashews), seeds, avocado, carrots etc.
  • Herbs & Spices: Basil, parsley, mint, coriander, ginger, cumin etc.
  • Essential Fats: Flax/Linseed, Evening Primrose, Olive Oil, Avocado Oil or an oil blend such as Udo' Choice
  • Fruits: ONLY - Lemons, Lime, Grapefruit, Watermelon, Tomato, Avocado - all other fruits to be used quite sparingly
  • Grasses: Wheat, barley, kamut, lemon, shave etc.
  • Sprouts: Alfalfa, mung bean, broccoli, radish, wheat, lentil, fenugreek etc.
  • Dips and Sauces: Pesto, hummus, tahini, guacamole etc.

Foods that Acidify:

  • Sugar
  • Dairy Products
  • Meat (aside from occasional coldwater fish)
  • Caffeine
  • Tobacco
  • Wheat (aside from sprouts or wheatgrass)
  • Fruit (apart from those mentioned above)
  • Bad fats (saturated, transfatty acids, hydrogenated)
  • Junk/ Processed foods
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Peanuts and Cashews
  • Pasta and White Rice
  • Condiments

The most effective way to reverse the trend of over-acidification is to ‘cleanse’ the body of toxins and rapidly create an alkaline environment in which the body can heal itself. Cleansing is a natural, holistic method of healing in which the body detoxifies itself and regenerates healthy vibrant cells, effectively becoming more alkalized.

For some people, cleansing can put an individual one year ahead in the healing process!

This is a very brieif outline of the most important principles of an alkaline diet. We highly recommend you read both The pH Miracle and Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill to gain a full understanding of an alkaline lifestyle.

Nutrition Advice from Energise for Life

Energise for Life aims to bring you the very best in health and nutrition advice, resources, news and articles as well as the products, equipment, supplements and superfoods you need to achieve optimal health and nutrition.

Experts in Alkalizing and all things Alkaline

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Harness The Power Of Wheatgrass Juice For the Acid Alkaline Balance Diet!


You may or may not be aware of it, but there is a new view on health and diet that is becoming more and more accepted by modern science. This new breakthrough is often referred to as the acid alkaline balance diet, or the raw foods diet. As well it is being seen as very complimentary to the ideas and philosophy of the wheatgrass juice diet. From the idea of how our body digest and metabolizes foods into either an acidic or alkaline ash within the bloodstream and fluids of the body, the ways in which people are making distinctions between what foods cleanse or clogs your system, and how wheatgrass is being introduced as a way to balance the body. This article will introduce the topic of using powerful wheatgrass juice to alkalize the body's fluids and return the body to its natural state of health.

Many people find it hard to get their heads around the idea that some foods are acidic and others are alkaline. To understand the concept better its helpful to consider how different foods metabolize and breakdown within the body's digestive system after they are consumed. Digested food forms a type of residue or ash as it is commonly referred to. Depending on the mineral content of the food, the residue will breakdown into either an acidic form or a basic form. The goal of the acid alkaline diet is to bring the body to a state of balance through consciously eating fresh foods like wheatgrass juice. However, you can't just drink wheatgrass juice all day long, so what else do you eat?

The fact of the matter is that there is a large selection of healthy foods that you can choose from that are natural, healthy and based in nature. Some of these foods include fresh green vegetables like spinach, cucumber, sprouts, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, celery, and avocados. Other powerful balancing foods include nuts, especially raw almonds and all kinds of seeds like sesame, caraway and pumpkin. Taking fresh limes or lemons and squeezing them into pure filtered water has a very powerful cleansing and balancing effect. Adding these foods into your diet is a good start.

When choosing foods you will be looking for foods that are based in nature and avoid foods that are man made, processed or cooked. You will be cutting back, cutting down on, and eventually avoiding completely any foods that our bodies have are not evolved to consume and digest. That means avoiding foods like milk, cheese, and dairy, it means not eating eggs, chicken, pork, beef and certain types of fish. It involves avoiding pastas, breads, and most baked goods, avoiding substances like coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and alcohol. It takes some commitment but the rewards are incredible. And the best part is there are even better ways to balance your body quickly and more reliably then when just eating vegetables alone.

When you combine the learning's and understandings of the acid alkaline balance diet and incorporate the power of wheatgrass juice there is nothing that can give you more energy. Because of the speed at which all the nutrients are metabolized and absorbed into body, drinking freshly squeezed juice has an incredibly balancing and alkalizing effect. It is quite similar to the difference in effect that occurs when someone drinks a coke or coffee, as opposed to someone who drinks a V8 vegetable cocktail. The person who drinks the sweet energy drink will feel the pleasure and benefit right away, while on the other hand the V8 vegetable cocktail will keep the body satisfied and fueled for longer. Changing your diet is changing your focus to the long term.

Eating foods that keep your body balanced is a secret to life long health that everyone deserves to learn. Its important to know what foods really benefit your body and what foods drain your energy, and especially taking advantage of the energy that comes from drinking wheatgrass juice and enjoying a raw food alkalizing diet. So give your body what it needs most, avoid foods you should never eat and enjoy a life where you have more energy then anyone you know.

Peter Hill is an author and nutrition consultant. He runs an informational website with a healthy recipe guide, a 12 week meal plan, smoothie nutrition and wheat grass juicing guide. Make sure to take advantage of this and much more at

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Acid - Alkaline Debate: Part 3 – 6 Steps To Go From Acidic to Alkaline!


Before I go into the steps you can take to create the proper alkaline balance in your body, I want to quickly review several items to drive home my personal belief that most dark colas, whether they be regular or diet, have been one of the leading causes of all the degenerative diseases we are seeing. It is not the sole cause but a leading contributor. Why?

Remember What We Said About the pH Scale?
The pH scale is not arithmetical but logarithmic. Logarithmic means that the values separating each unit are not of equal value along the scale but increases in proportion to their distance from a pH of 7. For example, a pH reading of 6 is 10 times more acidic than 7, but a pH of 5 is not 20 times more acidic but 100 times more acidic. If you’re catching on, then a pH reading of 4 is 1000 times more acidic that a pH of 7.

The pH value for Coca-Cola is 2!
That would make it 100,000 times more acidic than a pH of 7. If your diet is lacking in alkalizing foods, then how are you going to offset this high acidic environment? Your body is going to pull calcium and other minerals to offset this so that you can maintain a slightly alkaline environment. If your diet is high in acidic foods and drinks, poor in alkaline foods and lacking in mineral and trace mineral intake, then you are setting yourself up for calcium to be taken from your bone structure. This is a recipe for osteoporosis.

6 Steps to Go From Acidic to Alkaline!
To regain your optimal pH balance, you will need to take the following steps:

1. Change your diet to include more alkalizing foods.
2. Increase your water consumption and eliminate dark colas.
3. Cleanse and detoxify your body of microforms and the toxins they have created.
4. Replenish your mineral reserves.
5. Replenish your enzyme reserves.
6. Replenish the populations of healthy probiotics in your GI tract.


When someone consumes a diet rich in acid producing foods, the body’s overall pH balance can be thrown off. To counter this effect, alkaline food and water must be consumed to provide the nutrients necessary to neutralize the acids and toxins created from an acidic diet. The top alkalizing foods and nutrients are:

• Wheat Grass
• Calcium
• Sodium
• Potassium
• Chloride
• Bicarbonate
• Kamut Grass
• Barley Grass
• Alfalfa Grass


Think Green – Think Green Fusion Technology!
Notice that it is the grasses and certain key minerals that are necessary part of your diet. A good Green Fusion drink would be an excellent replacement for the dark colas. A diet rich in green and colorful vegetables would help create an alkaline diet. Increasing your intake of pure, clean water to at least ½ gallon per day will not only aid in maintaining the right pH balance but will also aid in weight management and weight loss. Get a good mineral supplement into your daily diet plan. However, Tums with Calcium is not the answer. Even though calcium is an alkalizing mineral it needs the acidic environment of the stomach to be absorbed properly. The purpose of Tums is to reduce stomach acids. This interferes with calcium absorption. I’ve never understood why doctors promote this type of product in their offices as a calcium supplement.

There is so much more that could be said in this area. Hopefully, these three articles on The Acid – Alkaline Debate have provided you with knowledge which is the precursor to prevention. As our American culinary tastes have evolved to the Super Size Me diet of acidic foods, we have also seen an explosion of both the waist line and degenerative diseases. Diseases that are not only preventable but robbing us of our youth and vitality as we grow older. You can see the critical importance of maintaining an alkaline environment for your body. Enjoy the foods that will help you create optimal health and wellness and potentially allow you to live a long life disease free.

Dan Hammer has a background in biology, chemistry and exercise physiology. He used to run one of the largest health club operations in the Chicagoland area and has been helping people with their wellness issues for more than 25 years. His website provides current information on how to slow down the aging process. He offers a free daily email that breaks this information down into actionable steps that are easy to understand and implement.

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The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet


What can be done about food addictions? Give them all up at once and see if there are any you can do without.

Suggestions For Weight Loss:

Nearly raw potatoes. These are effective in reducing hunger pangs.

Ice pack. Placed on the lower abdomen, it takes away the appetite.

Raw honey. The brand Really Raw contains the starch digesting enzyme amylase, which disposes of excess nutrients.

Raw milk and butter. These are hard to find, but worth tracking down because of their rich supply of the fat-digesting enzyme lipase and the enzyme protease, which breaks down protein.

Raw beefsteak. If the steer have been raised on hormone and pesticide-free feed, raw beefsteak is a good diet food because it's loaded with protein -- and fat -- digesting enzymes. Bartenders recommend rare roast beef sandwiches for hangovers because the enzymes in the beef eliminate acid aldehyde, the poisonous by-product of alcohol, which causes the symptoms described as a hangover.

Avocados and bananas. These are filling, but when eaten raw don't cause unnecessary weight gain, and they contain more enzymes than fruits and vegetables with fewer calories.

Vitamin E. Not only normalizes thyroid function, but also neutralizes the poisonous by-products of polyunsaturated oils, which interfere with thyroid function. An underactive thyroid produces less heat energy, so less fat is burned up .

ChitoPlex. The gel in this resin absorbs fat.

Coconut and flaxseed oil. Two tablespoons daily help increase energy production.

Raw carrots. These remove fat molecules from the body.

Acidic foods. Sour-tasting foods such as grape juice, vinegar, and yogurt reduce hunger.

Bland foods. Bland foods don't excite the taste buds and stimulate hunger.

Several small meals. Eating small amounts of food often, rather than three big meals a day, keeps the digestive process working and burning up energy.

Blackstrap-lemon drink. Detoxifying the liver is an aid to weight loss because it gets rid of acidic waste. Add two heaping tablespoons of blackstrap molasses and the juice of a lemon to a glass of hot water. Drink nothing but this concoction for three days. Sip it slowly. Repeat this procedure every few months.

Ice water. Drink a lot of ice water, especially before a meal. This reduces weight because in order to maintain the body's internal temperature, which has dropped due to the cold water, the body burns up additional calories.

One hard and fast rule all dieters should follow: no junk food before breakfast. A junk-food snack first thing in the morning ferments and putrefies in the stomach. Any healthy food eaten afterward, exposed to the bacteria in the putrefying and fermenting junk-food molecules, is also broken down into toxic waste by these bacteria.

The most critical factor in any weight-loss program is the efficient digestion of foods. Complete digestion means fewer acidic wastes. This has at least three advantages. First, appetite cravings are reduced (toxic acidic food residues create abnormal hunger pangs). Second, fewer acidic wastes means less fat sticks to the ribs. Third, reduction in toxic acidic wastes makes for a more alkaline environment in the body. This in turn increases the production of food-digesting enzymes. The more enzymes that break down food molecules in the gastrointestinal tract, the less food remains undigested and the better the chances to attain the ultimate in efficient digestion and consequent weight loss: oxidation (burning) of 97 percent of the food you eat.

Felicia Drury Kliment is a nutritional consultant in private practice and is also the author of Eat Right for Your Metabolism. Please visit her websites and

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Benefits Of Alkaline Food Are Tremendous


The human body is a complex machine that performs several functions simultaneously. The fuel needed for these functions is derived from the food that we consume. This food is burned or digested by the digestive juices so as to release energy which is used for the different bodily functions. Our body ph is normally 7.3 and so more alkaline than acidic in nature. To keep this ph maintained we need to eat more of alkaline food rather than acidic food. Needless to say there are several benefits of alkaline food.

Alkaline food is essential for our body and should be consumed in abundance to keep the ph level of the body balanced. Seventy to eighty percent of our food intake should be in the form of alkaline food. Alkaline food comprises of mostly vegetables and fruits with egg and chicken breast. Other meats should be eaten in great moderation while it is advised to go slow with various cooking oils too.

All this care in consuming alkaline food leads to great benefits. The ph of the body controls and affects all the functions of the body. The brain which is the commander of the body cannot store fat cells so it gets all its energy directly from the blood that flows through it. With the ph dropping the brain finds it difficult to absorb energy from the blood cells. So having a diet comprising of over 80 % alkaline food is very beneficial to the proper functioning of the brain. Further the heart which is a vital organ of the body is also affected if the ph level of the body gets altered. With a higher acidic level the blood cells change their polarity from negative to positive and then stick to the negative vein walls causing clogged arteries. This serious problem leading to heart attacks can be overcome if alkaline food is eaten on a regular basis. Mineral absorption is optimal if alkaline food forms over 80 % of ones diet. When the body ph is maintained all functions are carried out fully well and this ph level can only be maintained if the food eaten is alkalizing.

Serious cell degeneration can be controlled and the process of aging be slowed down if alkaline food is the major source of nutrition. Alkaline food prevents the body from feeling fatigue and stress causing great vitality and vigor. Not only does one feel good from the inside but it translates into most of his outside activities too. A healthy person is much less prone to depression and illness than one who is fatigued and unhealthy. Consuming alkaline food also helps to not only prevent but also cure many chronic diseases like arthritis etc.

Simply put, the benefits of alkaline food are tremendous. Health and vitality are regained which cause inner satisfaction and one feels he is able to achieve much more in his day to day living.

Discover How Alkaline Food Works and Why An Alkaline Food Diet Is Recommended, including Free Food Chart:

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Top 5 Alkaline Fruits & Their Benefits


Over eighty percent of ones food should comprise of fruits and vegetables if the normal slightly alkaline body ph is to be maintained. A normal body ph of 7.4 has many benefits. Not only does it help to prevent illnesses but also assists in curing them. With an alkaline ph the life span can be increased too. There are many kinds of alkaline fruits and vegetable one can have. Below is a list of the five top alkaline fruits.

Figs are the top form of alkaline fruits. Figs have in them several qualities and help tremendously in alkalizing the body. They can be eaten raw or can be added to any recipe. Dried figs are also alkaline fruits and one can even add then to half a glass of warm water to hydrate them. But since figs are laxative fruits also it is advisable to not have more than a handful in a day.

Another alkaline fruit is the apple. An apple a day actually does keep the doctor away , and if the doctor is good looking , well in that case too do not do away with the apple, simply get his number. Apples are not only loved for their taste but can be consumed in various forms. Cut an apple into small square shapes add a little bit of iodine sea salt and lemon and mix well. A tangy flavored apple dish is ready. Apples pies smell lovely and this alkaline fruit is used even as a Halloween sweet when dipped in chocolate. Apples are most commonly consumed raw and that is the best way to have this alkaline fruit while keeping all their nutrients intact.

Third on the list of alkaline fruits are all kinds of sweet grapes. Grapes are easy to carry and consume. They do not involve much chopping and cleaning. What is more is that this alkaline fruit is a favorite with kids and one does not have to run behind them to make them eat some grapes. Just leave a bowl full of grapes lying around while the kids are playing and soon they will all be gone. Even though raisins are derived from grapes it is best to consume alkaline fruits that are fresh and thoroughly cleaned as opposed to processed alkaline fruits. All the same not only raisins but all dried fruits are alkaline fruits and can be consumed without fear.

If you have ever gotten stitches or broken a bone then for sure bananas must have been recommended for faster healing. This is because apart from being high in calcium bananas are also alkaline fruits. Since alkaline fruits help keep the alkaline ph balance of the body they help in the healing process.

For that peachy looking skin and glowing hair have a lot of peaches. Peaches are alkaline fruits and help to give the skin and hair a healthy glow. People who suffer from brittle nails will also find that having alkaline fruits helps make their nails stronger. So leave the cream bit out of those peaches and creams and enjoy the fruit for what it is.

Alkaline fruits are very healthy and nutritious. A sweet flavor is a good indicator of an alkaline fruit. Alkaline fruits should make up large parts of a persons daily food intake.

Discover How Alkaline Foods Work and Why Eating Alkaline Fruits Is Recommended, including Free Food/Fruits Chart:

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

5 Simple & Delicious Alkaline Recipes


It is essential for us to consume large amounts of alkalizing foods. These foods help keep the ph level of the body balanced and so the body stays disease free. The general idea is to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables as opposed to meats and oils. Here are 5 simple alkaline recipes to take note of. They are simple and nutritious.

The first of the various alkaline recipes that we shall discuss is gluten free pumpkin bread. Take a small pumpkin and bake it whole in the oven till it is completely soft. Cool, peel and mash the pumpkin and add it to 300 gm of gluten free flour, 2 tsp baking powder and 1 tsp Italian seasoning. Knead adding a little water if necessary. Make small cakes and bake for half an hour. This alkaline recipe will do wonders for your health. Moreover it tastes good too.

The list of alkaline recipes continues and now we have a great alkaline recipe which doubles as a liver cleanser. Take two large grape fruits and 4 lemons. Squeeze their juice. Add water, some garlic and ginger grated juice, two tablespoons of UDO?s choice and one of acidophilus. Mix and have as a refreshing drink. This is one of the simplest of the alkaline recipes and is great to have after a good work out.

The list of alkaline recipes continues with a lovely alkaline vegetable broth. Take two carrots, two celery tops, two beetroots, two cups water, three cups celery stock, one zucchini and 2 cups of peeled red potatoes. Wash thoroughly and boil and then simmer for about half an hour. The best of the alkaline recipes is ready to consume right after straining it.

The miso soup is an ideal way to have miso, which is a highly alkalizing food. Alkaline recipes are all healthy and low of fat. So having them means you kill two birds with one stone. Not only does one shed those unwanted pounds but also gain good health. Take 2 tsp of Miso and add it to some water. Bring to a boil adding iodine sea salt to taste. This one of the alkaline recipes is ideal for a cold winter day.

Another great pick from the basket of alkaline recipes is the green salad. Take a few salad leaves, some chopped cabbage, a small chopped onion and a large tomatoes. Mix all the vegetables adding a bit of vinegar for taste and throwing in some oregano and some tofu or boiled chicken breast pieces. Of all the alkaline recipes this one is definitely my favorite. Not only is it a nice tasting filling meal but also keeps my energy level high though the day.

There are many alkaline recipes to be found in various books and on the net. Just take your pick of a few and incorporate them in your diet plan. You will see the wonders it does for your health and your skin and hair shall have a shining glow on them.

Discover How Alkaline Foods Work and Why An Alkaline Recipes Are Recommended, including Free Access To Our Alkaline Recipes Database:

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Comprehensive Alkaline Foods List Download


More important than the emergency numbers list is the alkaline foods list. Make out an alkaline foods list and paste it not only on your kitchen wall but also in your mind. The next time you are out grocery shopping simply revise the alkaline foods list and shop in accordance with it.

Most vegetable and fruits form part of the alkaline foods list. Cabbages. Lettuce, potatoes, bamboo shoots, broccoli, garlic, sprouts and almost all vegetables are alkaline vegetables. Dried beans, lentils and white asparagus tips are acidic in nature though and should be avoided. The alkaline food list ingredients should form about 80 percent of our daily diet so that the similar ratio of alkaline and acid ash can be maintained in the body for optimal functioning. There are plenty of recipes to be found to substitute alkaline foods for acidic foods. Vegetables and fruits should be washed thoroughly and then can even be eaten raw for fiber as well as alkaline ash.

Most fruits except for cranberries are also on the alkaline foods list. Apples, bananas and citrus fruits can be found at any time in most places. Melons and grapes are also highly alkaline in nature and should be consumed in plenty. Fruits should be served to children as often as possible since they are not only alkaline food but also high energy releasing foods. Bananas and apples are known to speed up the healing process, this is because they are on the alkaline foods list and so help the body to recover sooner by maintaining the alkaline body ph.

Apart from fruits and vegetables dairy products also find their way to the alkaline foods list. Acidophilus milk, buttermilk, yogurt and whey are all dairy products that are on the alkaline food chart. Milk is also alkaline but only in its raw form. All processed forms of dairy are acidic and should not be consumed in large quantities. For those who are inclined to non-vegetarian diet meats are a clear no no. If at all a protein intake is to be done then one should clearly stick to only those proteins that are on the alkaline foods list. Chicken breast is safely alkaline and can be eaten for good health. One the other hand all other meats are all-acidic and should form no more than 20 % of ones diet.

Legumes and alcohols are both acidic foods and not found on the alkaline foods list. But herbal teas and coffee substitutes can be had for those who are inclined to consuming beverages often. Herbal teas have a place on the alkaline foods list and so are safe for health. Honey is also a healing food and though children below one should not be given honey, after that it is very good for health.

Almonds, chestnuts and fresh coconut are on the alkaline foods list while other nuts are all acidic foods. Quinoa and Amaranth are on the alkaline foods chart and so are millet and buckwheat. All other grains are acidic in nature.

The higher alkaline foods we eat the more our body will function well. An alkaline foods chart is a must to follow so as to give us the complete joy of living.

Get The Free Comprehensive Alkaline Foods List: - And Find Out How Alkaline Foods Work & Why An Alkaline Diet Is Recommended.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Complete List Of Alkaline Foods & Their Benefits


All the foods we eat can be divided into three broad categories namely, alkalizing foods, acidic foods and neutral foods. The foods on the list of alkaline foods when burnt leave an alkaline ash as opposed to acidic foods that leave and acidic ash. The ratio between the acidic ash and alkaline ash should be 20 /80 respectably. To maintain this ratio over 80% of our food should constitute of items from the list of alkaline foods.

Most vegetable and fruits are on the list of alkaline foods. Cabbages. Lettuce, potatoes, bamboo shoots, broccoli, garlic, sprouts and almost all vegetables are to be found on the list of alkaline foods. Green vegetables are highly alkaline but others such as potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants also have their place on the list of alkaline foods. These should be consumed in large amounts to keep the normal slightly alkaline ph of the body balanced. Substitute an alkaline apple for an acidic potato chips pack when looking for a snack.

Most fruits except for cranberries are also on the list of alkaline foods. A good judge of alkaline fruits is to see if they are sweet. But this is not to say that sour fruits like lemons or citrus fruits are not alkaline. Melons and grapes are also highly alkaline in nature and should be consumed in plenty. Fruits and vegetables if eaten raw also provide a dual purpose of not only energy but also fiber.

Even though it may seem that only vegetable and fruits are to be found on the list of alkalizing foods but this is not the case. Dairy products have a slot too on the list of alkaline foods. Acidophilus milk, buttermilk, yogurt and whey are all dairy products that are on the list of alkaline foods. Milk is also alkaline but only in its raw form. All processed forms of dairy are acidic and should not be consumed in large quantities. For those who are inclined to non-vegetarian diet meats are a clear no. For those looking for some protein there is chicken breast, which is alkaline and can be eaten for good health. Other meats are all acidic and should form no more the 20 % of ones diet.

For the beverage drinker there is herbal tea and coffee substitute on the list of alkaline foods. Lemonade made with stevia and sea salt is also highly alkaline and very refreshing. Alcohol is extremely damaging and is totally off the list of alkaline foods. Honey, almonds and fresh coconut all have their special place on the list of alkaline food.

Quinoa and Amaranth are on the list of alkaline foods and so are millet and buckwheat. All other grains are acidic in nature.

The list of alkaline foods should be treated as doctor?s orders and followed thoroughly. Not only do we gain a new lease of life but also live a healthier life.

Download The FREE Comprehensive List Of Alkaline Foods and Discover How Alkaline Foods Work & Why An Alkaline Diet Is Recommended:

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Top 5 Alkaline Vegetables & Their Benefits#


Fruits and vegetables are the answer to a healthy and balanced body, which functions optimally thus leading to a longer life span. Alkaline vegetables are the call of time. About 80% of our food intake should be alkaline vegetables and alkaline fruits and no more than 20% of the entire food intake should be acidic.

Alkaline vegetables help maintain the ph balance of the body at 7.3. They can easily be included to form part of the diet and should be substituted for most of the acid food. The greener the vegetable the more alkaline it is said to be. So when looking for alkaline vegetables, choosing from the greens might be a good idea.

Broccoli is a good alkaline vegetable and can be consumed in plenty by simply boiling it a bit and adding some sea iodine salt and lemon for flavor. With a small amount of butter even children can be tempted to eat this alkaline vegetable

Artichokes are also a good form of alkaline vegetables. There are plenty of ways to include artichokes in your daily diet plan. Just adding them to any other vegetable can increase the flavor of that meal. Simply boiling them and adding them to a bowl full of salad leaves can do wonders for the body also. Alkaline vegetables add to the health of the body and the taste of the dish.

Bamboo shoots also fall in the alkaline vegetables category. Though most people don?t have a stomach for the smell of bamboo shoots they can still consume it by following a few basic rules. Keep the bamboo shoots dipped in some lemon syrup for about 30 min. Peel and cut a few potatoes and add a large tomatoes and a glass of water and the bamboo shoots to the vessel. All these are alkaline vegetables. Boil all the ingredients for half an hour add spices according to taste and simmer for another twenty minutes you will have a lovely soupy dish to be eaten with rice or just consumed as it is. The oriental races consume bamboo shoots and one can see that they have a longer life span and healthier bodies due to this alkaline vegetable.

Leek is also an alkaline vegetable and most French women claim that it is their secret for not gaining weight. Leek soup is easy to make and delicious to have. If a bit of garlic is added to the leek soup we have two alkaline vegetables at the same time. Garlic is very good for cleansing the body of toxic wastes and should be added to most of the meals for it?s alkalizing effect.

Egg plant though not a green vegetable family member is still an alkaline vegetable. Eggplants can be consumed in a variety of ways. Cheese and eggplant bakes are tingling for the taste buds. Eggplants with a few potatoes can make a lovely alkaline vegetable dish. For children try out mashed eggplant as a side dish.

The alkaline vegetable list is unending. Cabbages, lettuce, Mushrooms, onions, peas, pepper bells, parsley, radish, cucumber and almost all vegetables are all alkaline vegetables. So go out there and skip the meat section and walk into health and vigor. With an alkaline vegetable diet plan you cannot go wrong.

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why Alkaline Foods Need Acidic Foods


There is a lot of interest in alkaline foods and foods that product alkalinity in the body. Yet, people are not learning about the importance of the alkalinity/acidity balance that creates perfect health.

While it's true that the body is slightly alkaline, there is a balance that is maintained in the body that uses acidic foods.

In fact, our intestinal system is highly acidic, and needs to be acidic in order to digest food properly.

Our saliva and blood, however, are slightly alkaline, measuring about 7.3 to 7.4 on the Ph scale. Any decrease in these levels leads to the formation of disease and illness.

Too many people are learning about the powerful benefits of the alkaline diet, and excluding acidic foods from their diet, and this can be very dangerous.

In order to maintain optimal health, the human body requires our diet to contain roughly 20-25% acidic foods.

The remaining 75-80% should be alkaline producing foods, such as celery, cucumbers, and other well loved fruits and vegetables.

If the body does not have enough acid producing foods to digest, it begins to cannibalize the body, in order to create acids from parts of the body you really should not be giving up.

Be sure to maintain the correct ratio of acid and alkaline foods, and ensure that optimal health is what you achieve.

The alkaline diet is too important to your health to ignore, and consuming the right quantity of acidic foods is key to reaching those amazing energetic highs that can be yours.

Click here to get a free copy of the best selling book The Alkaline Diet, complete with
advanced tips and the best list of the acid and alkaline foods.

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The Miracle of the "pH Miracle" - Alkaline Your Body


For all those looking to gain a new lease on life the answer lies in a 320-page book published by Warner books and written by Robert O Young titled ?The Ph Miracle?.

The book?s opening lines say it all, ?a new day is dawning?. Even though the book follows the yesteryears pattern and does no subscribe to crash diets, one can relate to the logic of the book even today. The culprit of most problems is said to be Candida and keeping the ph balance of the body can do the balancing out of this. Ph miracle deals with concentrating only on maintaining a ph level of 7.4 in your body. This natural ph level increases your life span as well as safeguards against diseases. Robert O young in his book the Ph Miracle gives plenty of recipes as well as suggests various supplements to be consumed in order to maintain this ph balance. The primary focus of the book, ph miracle is maintaining a healthy Ph balance and to do that various vegetable and fruit recipes have been laid down.

Ph Miracle: balance your diet reclaim your health is just what the author offers. Within weeks of following the diet plan laid down by Young you will find that your energy levels have shot up and you feel energized and lively through the day. Another benefit of the Ph miracle is that it builds up your immune system and so automatically you lead a healthy life. Weight loss seems to be incidental to the entire programme. The ph miracle seems to be just the need of the day. Most people who suffer from an acidic ph find that they deplete their energy leaves really fast and have a tired look and feel left with them. Following the 50 odd recipes that Young talks of in his book the ph miracle can lead to an energized way of life.

Those who have taken on the ph miracle diet swear by the results. Mike Kokalari of USA says he feels great. He has tons of energy, don?t suffer jet lag and has not fallen sick in a long time. Mike is not an isolated case there are other like him who have followed the book ph miracle and are surprised by the results it yields in a short time too. One of the most significant and noticeable changes after following the diet is the extra energy which one feels. Joyce F from Chicago finds that the book ph miracle talks of things that other traditional diet books forgo. Not only does it talk of what our body needs but also provides ways to achieve it. Anyone who feels energetic automatically translates this energy into positive actions. On the other hand a sick body cannot feel energized at all and so fails at recouping. Maintaining a 7.4 body ph insures that the body is energized and also prevents and cures illnesses so automatically translating to a healthy and lengthy life.

All in all Robert O Young has given a precious gift to all out there in the form of his diet book Ph Miracle.

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Top Ways To Achieve Alkaline pH In Your Body


An alkaline ph is live oxygen for the body. If we do not get enough oxygen within minutes we will die. Similarly if we are derived of an alkaline ph in time we will die. So if we want to lead healthy and long lives then the answer lies in achieving and maintaining an alkaline ph of the body.

The neutral ph rests at 7 and more than this is alkaline while lesser is an acidic ph. The human body naturally has an alkaline ph of 7.4. This alkaline ph is of utmost importance for the acidic functions of the body to continue smoothly. Since all the metabolic activities of the body releases toxins and waste they are acidic in nature, if the ph of the body is also acidic they will not be balanced out and so diseases will occur. An alkaline ph on the other hand helps to flush the toxins out of the body as well as carry oxygen to the parts of the body. Most diseases have there roots in an acid environment. When our alkaline ph tilts to the acidic side the consequences are serious diseases like arthritis, coronary problems, migraines, cancer and so on. Even seemingly small problems like constipation and common colds have an acid ph to blame for.

The next question is how to maintain this alkaline ph. whatever comes in contact with our body has can affect on us. Even chemicals and air which come in contact with our skin and hair affect us. We must try and introduce our body to only those things which have a positive affect on the body. We are most affected by what we eat and drink. By consuming alkalizing foods we will be able to maintain as well as restore our alkaline ph while on the other hand acidic foods will misbalance this alkaline ph and lead to serious complications. Alkaline foods comprise of mainly vegetables and fruits. Green vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, salad leaves and asparagus are very high alkalizing foods. Not only do they help to maintain an alkaline ph but also provide roughage for the body and so help in releasing toxins and wastes of the body. Vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw. Cooking leads to vegetables loosing their nutrients. Spinach when eaten raw is highly alkalizing for the body but the same leaves when cooked become acidic in nature. Care should be taken in washing the fruits and vegetables well so as to not consume harmful pesticides etc with them. Other foods like almonds, honey, olive oil, miso, herbal teas and alkaline water should also form a major part of our diet if an alkaline ph is to be maintained. Acidic foods like wheat, barley, animal flesh, processed foods and juices should be taken off the menu. It takes 32 glasses of ordinary water to balance out the acid introduced in out body by on glass of soda.

An alkaline ph will safeguard us from all kinds if disease, will prevent cell degeneration as well as energize us.

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Alkaline Foods - What Are They & Which To Eat


A body which is higher in acid is like a magnet attracting all kinds of diseases. The human body maintains an ideal body ph of 7.3 which is more alkaline than acidic in nature. An alkaline ph helps the various body mechanisms to function well as well as the different vital organs to carry out their designated functions to an optimum level. Now what is needed it to maintain this ideal ph level by consuming various types of Alkaline foods. Acidic foods should be consumed minimally while most of our diet should consist of alkaline foods.

The various types of alkaline foods are mostly vegetables and fruits. Consuming these will help oxygenate the body system and so lead to rejuvenation of body cells. The various types of vegetables that fall in the alkaline foods category are garlic, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, mushrooms, sprouts, barely grass, wheat grass and many more. Apart from cranberries all other fruits are alkaline foods. Apples, bananas, honeydew, melons, cherries, dates and all the rest are alkaline in nature. Even though lemons are acidic in essence but when consumed they have an alkalizing effect on the body as opposed to having an acidic effect. Even citrus fruits which are acidic before consumption have an alkalizing effect on the human body. These fruits should be consumed in abundance so as to maintain a normal ph. Melons is not good foods to combine with other eats so should be consumed separately.

This is not to say that only non protein foods are alkaline foods. Eggs , cottage cheese , yogurt, chicken breast, tofu, pumpkin seeds, squash seeds , millet, nuts ,sunflower seeds are all proteins that are considered alkaline foods. They can safely be consumed and shall be beneficial to the body. Green tea and herbal teas are also alkaline foods. Various fruit and vegetable juices are also classified as alkaline foods. Those with sweet tooth should take stevia which is a flower obtained sweetener and is the only alkaline sweetener. Miso is a highly alkaline food and taking miso soup can be very beneficial to the body.

Many spices such as cinnamon curry leaves mustard chillie pepper and sea salt are all alkaline foods. Sea salt containing iodine is highly recommended. Acidic foods like various meats and oils should not make up for more than 25% of our food intake. One the other hand 75% of our food should constitute alkaline food so as to keep a healthy body. If there is a constant feeling of fatigue or frequently reoccurring illnesses then a lot of alkaline food should be consumed. All illnesses have their roots in the body ph getting acidic and a lot of care should be taken to keep the ph levels alkaline in nature. There fore a high consumption of alkaline foods is highly recommended in order to lead a healthy and long life.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Why Drink Alkaline Water? Stop & Reverse Degeneration


90 % of our body is made up of water. This is a high percentage to ignore. The one thing essential for the human body after oxygen is water. In cultures where fasting rituals are carried out , the toughest fasts are those where no water is allowed to be had either. So exactly what functions does water carry out in our body and why should we drink alkaline water.

Water performs three basic functions in our body. One is to carry various nutrients to the cells , secondly to carry back toxins from the cells and lastly water helps regulate the body temperature by hydration. Water contains both organic as well as inorganic minerals. The human body can only use the organic minerals, since only plants can convert th inorganic into organic minerals. Normal water contains over 95% inorganic minerals. This is where alkaline water comes in. These inorganic minerals cause problems like kidney stones, gallstones and worse still arthritis.

After years of research it has been found that higher acidic body ph causes degeneration. All kinds of diseases as well as the aging process is the result of degeneration. Alkaline water rids the body of this acidic levels and balances the body ph to its alkaline nature. Alkaline water contains not only oxygen in the form of O2 but also OH- which is an ionized alkaline mineral. When the body is deprived of oxygen in the form of O2 it uses the OH- oxygen. Consuming alkaline water over normal tap water has many benefits. Not only does alkaline water alkalize the body but also detoxifies the cells of the body. Various serious and chronic diseases like cancer , Osteoporosis, Kidney problems, migraines, and many more can be rid of with the sue of alkaline water. Medication can only shift the acidic level from one point to the other thus there is only temporary relief to be gotten from medications. Alkaline water on the other hand washes the acidic levels out of the body by balancing them by alkalizing the cells. 6 to 8 glasses of alkaline water a day is enough to maintain a healthy life which is free of diseases.

Alkaline water along with an alkaline diet is the call of today?s health experts. Not only does alkaline water help maintain the alkaline ph level of the body but it also rids the water of the inorganic nutrients that normal water has. Alkaline water can be bought from most general stores and is a must for all ages. Stop and reverse degeneration by drinking alkaline water.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How To Get An Alkaline Body pH Balance


The alkaline diet trend is fast catching up. Today many people from diverse places understand the benefits of maintaining an alkaline body. An alkaline body is much less susceptible to illnesses than an acidic body is.

It is beneficial to know that a healthy life can be maintained only if one has an alkaline body. A bit of an exercise routine along with an alkaline diet will reflect in ones inner and outer self. To achieve an alkaline body it is necessary that over 80% of our food intake constitute of alkalizing foods. To begin with one must first take the body ph test. It can be easily tested via the saliva test or the urine test. Once it is clear that the natural alkaline body ph is tilting towards the acidic side, immediate intervention is needed. A look into your diet will surely reflect an acidic trend just like your body ph. Societies like America who live primarily on meats and worse still processed food are highly prone to losing the alkaline body ph. These kinds of foods have an acidifying effect on the body and cause enormous amount of damage to it. The American society suffers not only obesity but also a lot of heart problems, this is due to their mainly acidic diet.

But there is a silver lining in this situation. An alkaline body can be achieved with just a little alteration in your diet plan. Simply put one should consume a lot of vegetables and fruits. Most of the acidic foods should be substituted by alkaline foods. A daily intake of about eight to ten glasses of water is a must. Soda should be avoided like poison is. Soda is highly acidic in nature and it takes over 30 glasses of water to balance on the acid in one glass of soda. An alkaline body helps in reversing the aging process and also maintaining a disease free body. Those who want to shed weight but do not want to loose energy should try alkaline diets and look and feel fit. Most of the other diets leave one feeling exhausted and as soon as one goes off the diet the lost weight is regained. But in an attempt to achieve an alkaline body not only does one feel fit and energetic but also the diet can be incorporated into becoming a way of life rather than a crash course in hunger.

So get our there and check your body ph right away. If you find that it alters from the natural alkaline body ph then change the way you eat immediately. You will find that as your alkaline body ph returns to normal you will feel better not only from within but also glow on the outside. Your skin will feel younger, your hair will shine and your nails will not be brittle any more. A lethargic feeling you felt all day long will be a thing of the past. So get out there and get an alkaline body and get your young life back all over again.

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Complete Alkaline Forming Food Guide


Our body maintains a slightly alkaline ph balance of 7.3 in its ideal condition. This ph helps the body functions to go on smoothly and keeps us away from illness. We should eat various alkaline forming foods so as to keep this ideal body ph maintained. If the ph level tilts towards the acidic side not only do we suffer from illnesses but also shorten our life span.

The various alkaline forming foods are needed by our body to be able to fight the acidic levels of the body and also help in healing and well as curing the chronic diseases. Most vegetables and fruits are alkaline forming foods. Include a lot of greens in your diet and eat vegetarian meals as opposed to meats and eggs. There are plenty of recipes to be got from the net of alkaline forming foods and you will soon notice how much they help you. By including alkaline forming foods in your diet you will give yourself a new lease of life. A few days of following and alkaline forming food diet you will notice that your lethargy has been replaced by energy and not only do you feel fit from inside but your outer appearance changes for the better too. Alkaline forming foods increase the body function to perform optimally so increasing the glow in ones hair, skin as well as nails. People suffering from depression as well as chronic diseases will find a tremendous change for the better after including alkaline forming foods in their diet plan.

The alkaline forming foods are to be found easily. Green vegetables should be included in the meals. Fruits that are sweet are alkaline in nature. Lemon though sour in taste is not acidifying foods but alkalizing. Meats and oils are acidifying and one should steer clear of them. Almonds, yogurt, raw milk, soy milk are all alkaline forming foods. Consuming these foods helps to prevent as well as cure diseases. Wheat grass and germ grass are also alkaline forming foods.

Alkaline forming food also includes alkaline water. Water if hard does damage to the body. Since 90 % of our body is made up of water we must have at least 6 to 8 glasses of alkaline water to keep healthy. All alkaline forming foods should be eaten in plenty to lead a healthy life as well as increase the life span.

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Complete Alkaline Food List & Rankings


Once you have made up your mind to follow the alkaline food diet you would be looking for a list of alkaline food to include in your diet. Consuming high alkaline food will give maximum benefit to your body so here is the best list of alkaline food.

Vegetables are fruits make up most of the alkaline food chart. When going thought the list of alkaline food try and consume those foods most that are higher on the list of alkaline food. Vegetables that are green are found higher on the lost of alkaline food. Asparagus, broccoli, artichokes, cabbages, radish, peas, leeks and many more such alkaline vegetables can be found on the list of alkaline food. White tipped asparagus is acidic though and should not be used much. Similarly the list of alkaline food includes a lot of fruits. Apart from cranberries which are acidic all other fruits are to be found on the list of alkaline food. Mangoes, papayas, lemons, grapefruits, melons are all alkaline food.

Even though most of the contents on the list of alkaline food are fruits and vegetables it does not mean that only fruits are vegetables are alkaline. Certain beverages and drinks can also b e found on the list of alkaline food. Herbal teas, green drinks, fresh vegetable juice, soymilk, almond milk and lemon water all have a place on the list of alkaline food. Certain nuts can also be found on the list of alkaline food. Almonds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds are also alkalizing foods. Olive oil is very high on the list of alkaline food. Olive oil is highly nutritious and helps prevent heart diseases. If you do not have a taste for olive oil one can find flax, hemp, avocado, borage and evening primrose also on the list of alkaline food. Sprouts and tahini are also alkaline food and should be consumed to keep the ph balance of the body normal.

The list of alkaline food contains no meats and other processed food. One should stay away from acidic foods and no more than 20 % of our food intake should be acidic in nature. About 60 to 80 percent of our food should be alkalizing food. It is essential to follow the list of alkaline food so as to gain health. The list of alkaline food also helps one loose those unwanted pounds.

Each person has different tastes and different needs. But the ph of the body is the same in all healthy people. So make a list of alkaline food that suits your needs and lifestyle and follow it so as to leave a healthy and long life.

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Comprehensive Alkaline Food Chart & Their Benefits


Following the alkaline food chart and including over 80% of your daily food intake from it might give you a new lease of life. If you suffer from chronic headaches, depressions, colds or fatigue often then the cure might lie in eating foods on the alkaline food chart. Alkaline foods help keep the ph levels of the body to an optimal of 7.4. This ph balance in turn keeps the body functions running smoothly and fights diseases. The alkaline food chart can literally save your life.

Most people suffer from dry skin, split hair, brittle nails. Some of us are unfortunate enough to suffer more serious aliments like arthritis, cancer, heart diseases, osteoporosis, etc. Those prone to depressions and fatigue also have hope. Following the alkaline food chart is the answer to all these problems. All the diseases in our body are caused when the acidic level increases. The body becomes susceptible to various germs and sooner or later finds itself in the grip of illnesses. Having alkaline foods keeps the body ph maintained to the natural 7.4 level and so all functions of the body are carried out smoothly giving the body strength to fight diseases.

The alkaline food chart consists mainly of fruits and vegetables. Green vegetables are more alkaline and so higher on the alkaline food chart. Cabbage, asparagus, onions, broccoli, raw spinach, lettuce, wheat grass and many more such vegetables are all alkaline in nature. Tomatoes, eggplants and the non green family vegetables are also found on the alkaline food chart. Fruits are not far behind and can be located o the alkaline food chart with ease. Melons, dates, figs, banana?s, apples, grapes and mangoes are all alkaline foods. Sweet tasting fruits are all alkaline. But this is not to say that sour fruits like lemons and lime are not on the alkaline food chart. These acidic fruits leave an alkaline ash when digested and are very high on the alkaline food chart.

Almonds, honey, herbal teas and coffee substitutes are also found on the alkaline food chart. Stevia is the only sweetener which is alkaline in nature. Though maple syrup and rice syrup are also low alkaline sweeteners.

If you want a life free of diseases and want to see your great grand children then it is time to wake up and take stock of your life. The alkaline food chart is a magic wand given in your hands to turn your life around with one swing.

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