Acid Alkaline Diet

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Alkaline Diet - How to Balance the pH Level and Reduce Body Acids


Alkaline Lifestyle - Why is it Important?

Why change to an alkaline lifestyle? Because our bodies are constantly over-acidified! Due to our modern lifestyles we eat too much acid-producing food like dairy, sugar and animal protein, and expose our bodies to pollution, smoking, drugs and excessive intake of foods. We are fouling our bodies with any number of transgressions which compromise the balance of our internal alkaline fluids. And all this causes acid wastes to build up in the body!

The pH level, the acid-alkaline measurement of our body, affects every single one of our cells. A constantly imbalanced pH level won?t be tolerated by our system, which may result in obesity (we create fat cells to carry acids away from our vital organs), allergies (the absorption of undigested proteins due to an overly acidic body is a major cause of allergy conditions) and fatigue (an over-acidified body produces toxins and weakens the body?s ability to produces enzymes and hormones). If left untreated, a chronically over-acidic body will disturb and interrupt cellular activities and functions, and will let us age early.

Eat More Greens & Vegetables!

To reverse this process we must include generous amounts of alkaline forming food in our diet. But what is the best way to change easily to an alkaline diet? As mother always said: Eat more salad, greens and vegetables, at best 5x a day! She is right, since this is the only real and healthy nutrition for us humans. Particularly important for us is the green plant pigment chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the only known and existing substance that is able to transform sunlight into eatable energy ? a process, without there would not be life on this planet! In other words: we ?eat sunlight? when we eat salad, greens and vegetables.

Yet, our daily lifestyles don?t allow us to eat 5x a day healthy greens. Therefore, anybody who wants to alkalize the cell system and cares about health and healthy lifestyles, should consider the intake of sprouted greens and vegetables capsules or powder (e.g. SuperGreens by InnerLight), which allow us to maintain our daily habits - but to consume enough greens to satisfy both our body and our mothers. These kinds of supplements help to support an alkaline diet, balance pH Levels, eliminate acid wastes from the body and restore the overall health.

Balance-pH is dedicated to educate people all over the world regarding the constantly growing over-acidification of our cell system. Acidic wastes grow inside the body due to unhealthy lifestyles, which is the reason for many diseases. Balance-pH shows efficient ways of how to alkalize, balance body ph levels and restore the overall health at (click English flag)

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