Acid Alkaline Diet

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Choosing Alkaline Diets Is The Only Way To Live A Healthy Lifestyle


The low carbohydrate and high protein diets doing the rounds these days are an invitation to bad health. All athletes know that if a fit body is to be maintained one should steer completely clear of such diets. Not only do they result in extreme fatigue but also are a disaster where weight management is concerned. Choosing alkaline diets is the only way to live a healthy life as well as shed those extra pounds.

Alkaline diets require one to follow a life style completely opposite of the high protein low carb diets. The high protein diets leave the person following it fatigued and tired. It is for those who lead a stagnant life and want to shed some weight. But the weight that is lost comes back on as soon as one stops the diet. With alkaline diets this is not the case. The diets can be incorporated into ones way of life and within days the results start to show. Alkaline diets require one to eat about 80 % alkalizing foods so as to maintain the alkaline ph of the body to 7.4. High protein diets tend to make the ph of the body acidic as opposed to its natural alkaline tilt. When the body ph becomes acidic it attracts all illnesses and depletes one of energy. An acidic ph also results in rapid degeneration of the human body cells. That leads to a shortened life. One should stay away from these crash diets and look at achieving health and vigor by following alkaline diets instead.

Alkaline diets lead to the body ph maintaining its alkaline nature. The various body functions are carried out smoothly and the immune system of the body stays strong. Under these circumstances one feels energetic as opposed to feeling fatigued. Also the weight shed like this stays off and most importantly the body does not fall sick. In other words alkaline diets help repel diseases as opposed to high protein diets which seem to attract them. Alkaline diets are also very good for those suffering from chronic diseases like arthritis, cancer, migraines, sinusitis and also osteoporosis. Following alkaline diets while taking medication helps fight these diseases off from the root.

Alkaline diets constitute mostly of fruits and vegetables. One should try and consume green vegetables and sweet fruits so that they make up about 70 to 80 percent of their total food intake. Lemons and melons should also be eaten. Almonds, honey, and olive oil are also high on the list of foods to be consumed for following alkaline diets. Meats and fats should be avoided. All foods that are acidifying like coffee, alcohol, meats, and even certain vegetables like cooked spinach should not form more than 20% of ones diet. Alkaline water is also a must or those who want to follow alkaline diets. At least 6 to 8 glasses of alkaline water can do wonders for your body cleansing. Processed food is all acidic and also high on weight gaining substances and so should be avoided. Beverages like sodas are highly acidic and should not be consumed at all. It takes 32 glasses of water to balance out one glass of soda.

Alkaline diets are for everyone. Each one of us should stop abusing our bodies and look at a healthy and long life by making alkaline diets a part of our life style.

Discover How Alkaline Foods Work and Why A Alkaline Diets Are Recommended, including Free Foods Chart:

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