Acid Alkaline Diet

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Acid Alkaline Balance is Critical for Your Health


Have you ever wondered if many of the diseases raging through our society have a common cause? Many doctors, herbalists and nutritionists believe that the explanation may come down to three words which is acid alkaline imbalance.

Over acidity of the body which can become a dangerous condition that weakens all body systems, is very common today. It gives rise to an internal environment conducive to disease, as opposed to a pH-balanced environment which allows normal body function necessary for the body to resist disease.

pH (potential of hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. There is a very tight window of pH where our blood can operate. Blood pH must be kept between 7.34-7.45. A pH of 1-6.9 is considered acidic and a pH of 7.1 to 14 is considered alkaline. 7.0 is considered neutral. So the operating pH of blood is just slightly alkaline.

The body must keep the pH of the blood in this tight window in order for you to stay alive. Breathing out carbon dioxide and other waste products along with the excreting and filtering done by the kidneys allows our bodies to keep the pH of the blood within that window. There are also buffers stored in the body to help as necessary.

So we see that the body has systems in place that maintain the delicate pH balance in the blood stream. However, a person can become more and more acidic if he or she takes too much acid forming foods. Therefore, it is critical that a person watches his diet. People who have serious illnesses always have low pH values because of too many acid forming foods.

Therefore, body pH is an important concept to understand, whether you want to restore you own health, or just remain healthy. Muscle contractibility declines and hormones like adrenaline and aldosterone increase as the body becomes slightly more acid. When the blood is too acid, symptoms include drowsiness which could progress to stupor and coma. When the blood is too alkaline, symptoms include cramps, muscle spasms, irritability and hyperexcitability.

Acid forming foods are important foods that provide very important vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and fiber. A diet is not complete without them. However, these acid-forming foods should compose not more than 20 percent of our diet. If not, when the body becomes less efficient as we age, our cells become more and more acidic.

An alkaline diet would not allow a person to become acidic as they age. An alkaline diet contains the minerals and vitamins we need, and allows us to live long healthy lives. Such a diet would contain 75-80% of alkaline forming foods like vegetables, fruits, kefir, coconut oil and palm oil. The diet would contain also 20-25% of the acid forming foods like rice, grains, nuts, seed and meat.

Sources say coconut oil and palm oil are the only alkaline forming oils. Using coconut oil as your cooking oil will help you regain your acid alkaline balance and stay in optimal health.

Protect your immune system and nourish your health with virgin coconut oil, Go to:

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